What is a brand name?
A brand name is a unique name given to a company, product or service. Generally speaking, a good brand name will reflect the full range of your company's endeavors.
What is a brand name generator?
A brand name generator, such as that found at NetSubstance.com, is a piece of intelligent software that helps you find an original brand name (or brand names) for your business.
How does the brand name generator work?
Simply enter some keywords related to your company or desired website into the box located to the left. The letters you enter shift according to the percentage specified in each of the fields. Using the current settings, 20% of all vowels are replaced with other vowels, 20% of all consonants with other consonants, etc. Occasionally, a few other minor changes are made to your generated brand name to make it more appealing.
Should I register my brand name as a domain name?
Absolutely! Registering your new brand name as a domain name is the first step toward establishing your online presence and introducing your brand to the world.
What is a domain name?
A web address can be called a domain name. It is used for your website and/or for establishing email accounts. You can register a domain name provided that someone else has not already claimed it—and provided that it does not already exist as another company's brand name.
Can I take steps to protect my domain name?
Yes. A program called Domain Protect ensures that there are no unauthorized transfers of a registered domain name. Most domain name registration companies include this feature automatically as part of their service. If you would like to know more about Domain Protect, please ask your domain registrar after completing your online domain name registration.
Can you suggest other useful tools?